Tag Archives: abnormal period

How To Stop Menorrhagia Naturally- Diagnosis And Treatment

How To Stop Menorrhagia NaturallyThe medical term menorrhagia refers to the abnormal vaginal bleeding that lasts for more than 7 days and causes a blood loss of more than 70 millimeters. Therapeutic specialists generally consider three things while figuring out if or not period bleeding is worth a concern.

To begin with, they figure out whether the lady is or has been recently pregnant. Second, they would need to know whether there is some specific pattern followed by the periods and provided that this is true, what is it like?

Ultimately, they will need to know whether the patient is ovulating. Subtle elements of the menstrual history will be required, and particular deviations in the menstrual cycle will be ascribed to specific reasons requiring particular medications.

There are three regular pointers that a lady is suffering from strange blood flow. If a lady bleeds excessively for more than two cycles, a specialist’s consideration ought to be looked for to know how to stop menorrhagia naturally. This is a typical side effect of uterine or endometrial growth, especially if the patient is in the post-menopausal stage. A gynecologist ought to likewise be consulted if there is sudden substantial bleeding that requires you to change the sanitary napkin after every few hours.

The following marker is the point at which a lady bleeds heavily in between her periods. In the event that a lady encounters overwhelming or intemperate bleeding, it is a reason for concern. It is considerably all the more important when the lady encounters a complete extra cycle within a month.

Before knowing how to stop menorrhagia naturally it is imperative to understand that treatment for heavy periods depends on the cause that brought it on in the first place. After an intensive exam, history and testing, the specialist can give the patient a precise conclusion and treatment arrangement in light of her current condition. The objective of treatment is to diminish the substantial monthly cycle and build the patient’s comfort using natural things that are not foreign to the body.

When finding answer to the question “how to stop menorrhagia naturally”, it is suggested to keep the following things in mind:

Diet: A low-fat eating regimen consisting of a large amount of bright vegetables and fresh fruits can bring down estrogen levels amazingly. Sustenances rich in bioflavonoids with vitamin C, for example, citrus fruits, grapes, apricots, tomatoes, broccoli and peppers go far in strengthening the blood vessels remarkably.

Yoga: There are numerous classic yoga positions, for example, the Bow and Cobra, that are quite useful in controlling excessive period bleeding.

When you are equipped with the right information about the diagnosis and natural ways to stop menorrhagia you can easily control this problem in a little time.

Menorrhagia Natural Treatment For Permanent Relief!

Menorrhagia Natural TreatmentMenorrhagia is essentially a medical term for prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding. Without a doubt not all ladies have the same experiences in what concerns their periods, however, it is viewed ordinary to lose around 40 to 50 milliliters of blood during menstruation. If the blood flow is somewhere around 70 to 80 milliliters, spanning 7 days, then it is the case of menorrhagia.

It is important to know that heavy menstrual periods can be a symptom of some other medical condition as well. In many instances, it is uterine fibroid or different growths in the uterus that are generally non-carcinogenic. This does not imply that medical examination can be ignored. Pelvic inflammations, PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, Vitamin K deficiency and hormonal imbalances are a few other possible causes of menorrhagia. In the event that nothing is done to treat it, this problem not just keeps a woman from going ahead with her normal life, but can also lead to some extreme problems such as iron deficiency and anemia because of excess loss of blood.

Menorrhagia natural treatment consists of making some small lifestyle changes that stimulate the body to perform its optimum. These natural remedies come with an assurance of being completely safe and exceedingly effective.

A couple of things that form an important part of Menorrhagia natural treatment are given as follows:

Eating cooked banana flower with curd is known to be exceptionally useful in treating this condition.

It is suggested to include green leafy vegetables in the diet as these are rich in iron.

Intake of coriander seeds is highly useful in easing the signs and symptoms of menorrhagia.

It is suggested to consume Indian gooseberry or Amla juice with honey to get immediate relief from the problem.

The daily diet of any female suffering from this condition should be loaded with enough vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Avoid spicy, oily and fried foods, and drink a lot of water as it helps in the removal of toxins from the body.

Menorrhagia natural treatment promises permanent relief without being harsh on the body!

Follow that Fast Facts on Menorrhagia

Facts on MenorrhagiaAbnormal uterine bleeding, that is medically known as menorrhagia is occurs during menstruation and caused excessive bleeding. This is a common condition among premenopausal women. Not all the cases when women having heavy menstruation, are not come under the menorrhagia category. Lady having this specific health condition got each period with heavy bleeding that leads you with blood loss and severe cramping. And if you would not able to find the answer of how to stop menorrhagia naturally then would not even able to does the daily activities. It would be great if you would take advice from doctor.

What are symptoms- If your sanitary pads are going completely wet after every hour or excessive bleeding takes place more than a week or you needs to make the protections double to control menstrual flow or protection requirement is high during night or you are not able to does routine task or having fatigue, tiredness, shortness of breathing or all together at the same time then surely this condition is nothing other than menorrhagia.

Facts of menorrhagia-

Hormonal imbalance is huge reason for having this condition. During normal menstruation, there is a balance between hormones named progesterone and estrogen that creates endometrium or to the lining of uterus, and at the time of menstruation it started shedding on its own. In case of hormonal imbalance in the body, the lining either sheds excess or develops much than normal and having this condition would end in looking for how to stop menorrhagia naturally.

Small growth on the uterus lining or uterine polyps may also end in excessive menstruation flow. Polyps of the uterus that occurs in women can give way to excessive hormonal misbalance.

Sometimes there are small tumors of the uterus that appears when you are pregnant or at childbearing years. Uterine fibroids results in hormonal misbalance and indirectly that ends with menorrhagia.

An ectopic pregnancy where a fertilised egg is implanted within the fallopian tube but not in uterus may end in menorrhagia.

This is uncommon but due to uterine cancer, cervical cancer and ovarian cancer gives you excessive bleeding during menstruation.

General Kitchen products that work like Magical remedies for menorrhagia

remedies for menorrhagiaMenorrhagia is medical condition where a woman suffers with prolonged or heavy bleeding along with unbearable pain in the lower abdominal area and to the pelvic regions during the menstrual periods. Usually this condition lasts for about 5 days and more and so affected lady have to result in anemia and serious weakness. Here given are the answers for how to treat menorrhagia naturally so that you can give them a try in case of having problem with you.

Apple Cider Vinegar- Apple cider vinegar is highly used by obese people as it helps to lose weight but there is one more quality of the same and that is it can lessen the pain and the adjoining symptoms of menorrhagia and for that you need to take 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar and mix that in a glass of water, drink that water 2-3 times in a day.

Cinnamon- When the question is how to treat menorrhagia naturally then the simple answer for that is cinnamon that is also called a magic herb or ingredient which is generally found in every kitchen. When you are dealing with heavy periods you can drink cinnamon tea. Also, you can take a spoon of grounded cinnamon power and add that in a cup of water and bring it to boil on a simmer gas. When removed from flame then add a spoon of honey. Drink this concoction to get quick relief from pain.

Coriander Seeds- Coriander seeds can work greatly to lessen the pain with menstruation. To prepare and effective remedy, take about 20 grams of coriander seed and add that in two cups of water. Bring it to boil, when water would be reduced to quarter of the amount then remove from heat. You can sip that water when it would cool down to room temperature.

Ginger- Ginger is helpful to lessen heavy bleeding and on the same time it lessens the pain as well. To prepare an infusion take a small inch of ginger and make very small pieces of that or can grate that too. Add that to the boiling water for some minutes. Now, drink this water when reaches to the room temperature. To cut the bitterness of ginger you can either add honey or some sugar to that. Drink this infusion after every meal for great results.

Some frequently Asked Questions about Menorrhagia with Answers

menorrhagia natural treatmentMenorrhagia which is known as heavy periods in simple language is a problem caused because of hormonal imbalance and due to such condition, periods happens without ovulation. Today this is very common condition. As the problem is very common, so people have much questions in their minds related to that like, its causes, symptoms, menorrhagia natural treatment etc. Some of the most frequent ones are here given below:

Question- Many people suggest that during periods taking diet rich in Vitamin K and E is helpful especially for menorrhagia?

Answer- There are different factors responsible for menorrhagia and that varies from person to person and for different situations as well. The two persons can’t be the same. Vitamin E and K are antagonists of each other and trying both on same time is not a great idea. Vitamin E is great for bleeding issues and with low levels of estrogen. High levels of Vitamin E is linked to the Vitamin K lower levels and it’s not logical to take Vitamin E diet if the body having low levels of vitamin K.

Question- Having high levels of estrogen can be reason for menorrhagia?

Answer- High estrogen level in the body can be due to low fibre diet, menorrhagia, blood clots, obesity, high blood pressure, breast cancer, high saturated fat diet, fibrocystic breasts, early puberty, less activity, late menopause, birth pills, more dense bones, hormone replacement therapy, alcohol dependency, overconsumption of soy products and hormone replacement therapy. Some lifestyle factors along with menorrhagia natural treatment would prove help for heavy periods. For such purpose you should cut down alcohol consumptions, take high fiber diet and get sunlight to receive amole amount of Vitamin D.

Question- Deficiency of Vitamin K can be reason for menorrhagia?

Answer- One can be Vitamin K deficient if get easy bruises, blood in urine, menorrhagia, osteopenia, osteoporosis, nose bleeding, GI bleeding, stopping of blood is hard after getting a wound, allergies, asthma, post-partum bleeding, easy fractures, sensitivity to gluten, irritable bowel syndrome. To deal with all of the problems you need to have ample amount of Vitamin K in body and consuming the supplements or diet rich in same would be great help for you.

Keep Control over Heavy Periods in Possible ways

stop heavy periods naturally
stop heavy periods naturally

Are you feeling tired of changing the sanitary pads after every two hours during menstrual period then you must look for how to stop heavy periods naturally. Excessive bleeding is medically considered menorrhagia and is very common problem faced by several women. One may have to face some complications like anemia, feeling tired due to medical condition. There are some causes that can result in hormonal disorders, endometriosis, weight gain or loss, endometrial cancer, uterine fibroids, polyps, disorders to endometrial lining of uterus, pelvic inflammatory diseases etc. so you have to focus over the signs and symptoms then take steps to make a deal with them.

Treatment considerations

Lifestyle Options- Your lifestyle matters a lot for having heavy periods but making favourable changes in them can make you able to lessen the heavy menstrual bleeding and ease the pain along with that. So, must try:

Ice Packs- Place the ice pack on the abdomen for 15-20 minutes for at least 2-3 times in a day and it would help in lessening the heavy bleeding.

Iron- When body have low levels of iron in body then it gives way to heavy menstrual bleeding and so consumption of iron supplements would prove good for the condition.

Vitamins- Vitamin C and supplements are great for absorption of iron and give strength to blood vessels as well. It is natural solution that describes how to stop heavy periods naturally.

Home remedies- Medicines can be taken to deal with such condition but using natural remedies are also helpful to normalize the excessive bleeding and longer menstrual periods. Take a look to the below mentioned remedies for you.

Tamarind- Tamarind is considered high in antioxidants and fibers and it may also make lessen in the cholesterol level of the body and lessens the excessive blood flow during menstruation. It also keeps a control over heart diseases and cancer as well. To get how to stop heavy periods naturally you should soak 8-10 pieces of tamarind along with 5 pieces of plum in 500 ml of water and leave it overnight. Next morning, remove the seeds and crush the rest well. Add 3 spoons of honey to it and mix well. You can drink this mixture first thing in morning for 4-5 days.

Treating Menorrhagia (heavy Periods) the Natural way

MenorrhagiaMenorrhagia is in general term known as heavy menstrual bleeding and a lady has to deal with same few times in her life. It makes you uncomfortable and so stand in path of routine activities. Not only with your physical activities but also your social and emotional life got affected with same. Continued with same for longer period of time can result in severe health issues like anaemia so it is the time to get how to stop heavy periods naturally and answer can be easily found in below mentioned points.

Kitchen Based remedies- When you are looking for how to stop heavy periods naturally then you should immediately try some simple remedies from kitchen shelf and the easy and effective one from them is using an ice pack that can lessen the blood loss and reduce the pain. Medical reason for using the same is that they can cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels and so blood loss can be controlled. So, take some crushed ice in a plastic bag and place that ice cool pack over the lower abdomen for next 20 minutes, which would give you relief. In case of over excessive bleeding and pain you can reapply the pack after gap of 2 hours.

Dietary changes required- Unhealthy eating habits may result in pain during menstruation along with that it also put effect over the blood flow so making correction in your diet would prove beneficial in such condition. For regular periods you should take Mediterranean diet that can be prepared with combination of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and whole grains. Generally you have to eat foods that are low in sodium, saturated fats, and carbohydrates along with proteins. B vitamins are necessary components needed for conversion of excess estrogen in the liver. It gives way to synthesis of prostaglandins that is required compound to make reduction in abnormal blood clots.

Natural remedies- When you are dealing with menorrhagia then you need to look for how to reduce heavy periods naturally because natural treatments are free from side effects and attack the root of the problem and make it vanish completely in place of giving temporary relief. Usage of same helps the blood vessels in uterus to contract so that bleeding can be lessened. It also makes betterment in uterine muscles and provides required nutrients so that anaemia would not be there.